Service & Usage Charges

CleanPeak Barangaroo Tariffs

Network Tariffs (Network Only Customers)

CleanPeak Barangaroo provides the electrical network services (‘poles and wires’) for the Barangaroo South Precinct. In accordance with the network exemptions issued by the Australian Energy Regulator, network tariffs shadow those of the Local Distribution Network Service Provider, Ausgrid (click here to view the latest network tariffs).

Table 1 provides an extract of the 2024/2025 Ausgrid network tariffs which will come into effect from 1 July 2024.

Table 1 – FY2025 Network Prices (prices include GST)

Tariff NameResidential TOUSmall Bus TOULV 40-160 MWhLV 160-750 MWhLV >750 MWh
Tariff Code EA025 EA225 EA302 EA305 EA310
Peak c/kWh 29.5866 36.3143 7.7483 7.5655 5.7380
Shoulder c/kWh
Off-Peak c/kWh 5.1153 5.7758 1.8780 1.67541.5640
Capacity Chargec/kVa/day 54.3839 56.7815
Demand Chargec/kW/day 44.8281
Network Supply Chargec/meter/day 55.0498 191.4341 630.8734 2251.7477 4522.2690

Bundled Tariffs (Residential and Small Business)

CleanPeak Barangaroo also provides bundled tariffs available to our residential and small business customers.

Small business customers are defined as those customers who are non-residential and consuming less than 160MWh per annum.

Table 2 provides the available bundled tariffs. If you are an existing customer, these rates were increased with effect from August 16, 2023.

For residential and small business customers wishing to switch to a bundled rate, please contact our Customer Support Team.

Table 2 – FY2024 Bundled Tariffs, Residential and Small Business Only (prices include GST)

Tariff NameResidential BundledSmall Business TOU EA225 BundledSmall Business Demand EA302 Bundled
Off Peakc/kWh16.89819.00
Retail Supply Chargec/meter/day88.00207.369660.00
Demand Chargec/kW/day37.00